Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dr Sweets, the Jeffersonian Psychologist

Dr. Sweets (John Francis Daley) is the psychologist at the Jeffersonian. Bones and Booth often have to have sessions to work out their partnership. Ever since the Gormogon incident, he began to play a major role, especially in Season 4 of Bones. In that saga, the writers pointed at Sweets and Hodgins as the Gormogon, and Sweets often made remarks that made it more blatant. In the Season 4 Finale, he played in a band called, "Gormogon" and said, "I don't know why, but people always think I'm Gormogon."
Sweets past has been revealed in snippets from Season 4-5. He was adopted as a child and they passed right before he began his job at the Jeffersonian. He gets a kick out of investigating murders and used to be a Metal Head (followed the Black Metal scene). He has scars on his back as if he were whipped, and tries to bond with Booth and Brennan to create a "family-like environment" to make up for the fact he was orphaned as a child, although the crew often jokes about how he is still a baby.
He currently dates Daisy, the loud and talkative intern who was recently given a second chance on the Forensics Team, although none of the team can stand her. He's manipulative and helps Bones and Booth's partnership through regular therapy sessions.

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